Back to School

My first day back to school was a new adventure. This semester was different from last semester. Last semester I took classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This semester I am taking classes only on Tuesday and Thursday. I am in three Method classes which is going to be tough for me so I have to stay very organized and on top of my work. I was glad to see most of the same faces in my classes this semester as last year. There is at least one or two people in each of my classes this semester that I have had class with before. That is one thing I enjoy, having class with people that I know because being in the education field I have had the opportunity to form friendships with the other students in the field and work with them, either in class or outside of school. Sometimes I think I work better on certain assignments when I work with someone else. I cant wait to see what this semester brings, and to experience all the field work that I will be doing within my classes!

