Dr. Edelstein Presentation

Dr. Michael Edelstein

climate change- expected to teach sustainability- referring to live on earth on a way of limits and capabilities

Sustainability- how do we live our lives so that we allow ppl in future generations to have the opportunity to live their life without us destroying everything
- water issues in Newburgh schools- contaminated PFOS in water
- we are exposed to chemicals all over the place (plastics)

Al Gore-The Climate Reality Project 
-an inconvenient truth (movie)

1960's- First picture of what the earth looks like.
powerful picture because we never knew what earth looked like.
-water planet
-the world is not flat, has no end ---> endless but in reality earth has an endpoint---> earth is a Finite system

"We use up stuff like there is more of it to use"

  • 1st law: Matter (has weight and takes up space) - neither created or destroyed, you can only change it from one form to another
  • 2nd law: Entropy Law (disorder)- the world moves from a state of order to a state of disorder. 
    • rule of the land
    • ex: stuff in your room--->clean up room so its neat---> does it stay neat? ends up messy 
    • ex: gas in your car burns - fill up gas to drive around and burn it 
The Earth is an Open System -things enter it and things leave it.
- input
- throughputed
- outputed
regards to energy it is a Open System- because of the sun

The earth is also a Closed System-  

we run the world like it is a close system- ex: we use gas(matter) to run our cars.
we could use earth to produce renewable energy- ex- the sun, wind

  • the sun produces no pollutants, doesn't run out
  • fossil fuels pollute and it turns into something we cannot use anymore
If you had a choice to run your world on finite choices or non-finite choices, which would you choose?

1. Must we change?

Troposphere- closes to the earth- when we pollute it we breath that pollution.
Stratosphere- molecules gather up
ozone- o3-when we are exposed to a lot of UV-Skin cancer
global warming - co2 rays are held on earth heating it up instead of leaving the earth.
light colors reflect heat- the poles reflect heat because of the snow

Albeido- reflectivity 
Positive feedback loop- acceleration of an existing trend.
Thawing permafrost-major problem
Anomaly- abnormal
J curve/ exponential curve- doubling over a period of time.- "when does it become a problem?"
2016- hottest year ever measured
Global Ocean Heat Content-changed since the 1950
-destroying coral reefs all over the world- coral reefs are important because its main source of
life---> desert oceans
-producing/intensifying storms---> causes contaminated environments
-Fire events
-weather catastrophes have doubled

climate change leads to food and water shortages, pandemic disease-basically war

Renewable energy has increased dramatically

(Movies-chasing ice, chasing coral)

Questions about the presentation: 
1. What is PFOS and why is it a concern now in the water?
2. Why was 2016 the hottest year ever measured?
