Group 1- Direct Instruction

Before I say how good group 1's first day of teaching went, I want to congratulate them on being the first group to stand up there and teach before anyone else in the class!

I enjoyed group their direct instruction lesson. I think they did a great job being the first group to teach. Everyone spoke loud and clear, and they did a great job checking for understanding with the students. I like how the group used the thumbs up if you agree, thumbs down if you disagree.
They did a great job, stopping and reviewing with the students every couple of slides. All the students followed along and knew the answers. The group transitioned into each topic well
 I was surprised to see how much the students know and the types of questions they came up with like "what if the sun exploded?" I liked when they made the transition to teach about stars and had the students talk with a partner about what you know about stars.Went around to each group of tables and asked what they talked about then they had students close their eyes, picture themselves on the beach, explained to them that all the sand grains are as many stars in the sky.

I loved the sentence strip activity. Very interactive, engaging activity. It was a fun way to review the important vocabulary words that were taught throughout the slides.

Sentence strips -Fill in the blank
  1. “Earth spins on its _(axis)____”
  2. “The movement of earth around the sun is called a __(revolution)__”
  3. . “There are ___ phases of the moon”
  4. A ___ is a hot ball of gas.  
