Exploring the next frontier

Group 4-Direct Instruction
I am in group 4 with Allie, Nessiah, and Rebecca!!!! We were super excited and nervous to teach. We were teaching the 4th graders about Technology, Space Technology. I really liked our classroom management line "Hands on top, everybody stop!" because it didn't involve the students yelling something back at us. We playing the student vs teacher game as well, with the rules
  • If you are following the classroom rules and are focused you will earn stars (points).  
  • If the classroom rules are being broken, the teachers will earn a point.  
  • If the student wins they receive a prize!
  • If the teachers win, the students do not receive the special prize.
  We provided the students with a note sheet to fill out throughout the slides. There was a yellow star on the slides that had information underlined which was the word the students to write down on their note sheet. We opened by asking the students "What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word technology?" of course every student named the most recent technology like iPhones, iPads, tablets etc.. Then we asked How would a scientist at NASA use technology. We taught the students about telescopes, satellites, rocket ships, robots, and rovers on mars. Then we played a game of Jeopardy to see what the students learned! I wish we had more time to finish this game, but because of technical difficulties we were cut for time. Then it was time for the student to shine! They had to "Choose one of your favorite pieces of technology that you have learned about today and write a letter to NASA about how it is used, what it helps the scientists at NASA do, and why it is your favorite piece of technology?" and follow the letter checklist! To check for understand before the lesson was over, we had the students write either one thing they learned and stick it on the "out of this world" rocket ship, one thing they still had questions about and stick their sticky note on the "blasting off" rocket ship, and if they didn't understand anything that was taught then they had to write that they didn't understand and stick it on the "Houston we have a problem" rocket ship. The lesson didn't go as bad as we thought it did because of the technology messing up. Everyone in my group did an awesome job teaching the material and staying calm while things were messing up!
