
Showing posts from October, 2017

Group 3- Direct Instruction

Group 3 had good classroom/ behavior management techniques. The students were to r aise the red planet if they don't understand something, blue planet if they somewhat understand , and green planet if they understand. this group also h ad a guided note sheet and on each slide was a pencil symbol which meant when the students should be adding the info onto their sheet. The group transitioned from each planet by having a “text” come in from Annie, this is when they students can turn and talk to answer the question. The students loved the teacher vs student game and I think it really helped them manage the students during the lesson. The group did a great job using technology during the lesson by getting a text from " Astronaut Annie" and letting the students come up and interact with Vortex. E ach group went up one at a time, and drag the planet they think it is into the vortex, if it's correct it will get sucked in, if it's incorrect, it will get spit out. At t

Group 2- Inquiry

Group 2 did an awesome job today. I loved their inquiry lesson!!! I love that the group create a review sheet of the characteristics of the inner planets.  (moon, craters, hot, cold, volcanoes, life, liquid water, frozen water ) with check marks in each box that applied to each planet.   I like how the students had the opportunity to be scientists and use the scientific method to explore what's in the bag. The group did a great job modeling how to make predictions about whats in the bag. They u sed telegami - Alien Fred to introduce the topic-The sun blew up and he can't see what planet he's on. The students had to use the scientific method steps to be a scientist and solve problem. They handed out "Out of this world space book"- each student received a book that has steps of scientific method-Students were put into 4 groups and each group was given a mystery bag Followed steps of scientific method (feeling bag) and using their review sheet of planets to g

Group 2-Direct Instruction

Group 2 did a great job speaking loud and clear on their first day and taking turns talking. They opened with  “What do you think makes up the universe?” and choose 5 volunteers to give their answer. I think its important to let multiple students share their answers. I liked how they provided a guided note sheet so the students could follow along. I loved the hand gestures the group came up with the remember the planets that they taught Inner planets M V E M- Mercury- Venus Earth Mars The students were very engaged in the lesson especially when it was time to play Kahoot. The group had awesome classroom management ideas with the stop light but during the kahoot game i t did get a little rowdy which was a good time to use the stop light . I liked how they handed out sticky note and asked the students to write one thing they learned today and place it on the stop light, green meaning they understand, yellow meaning they still have questions, and red meaning they are still confu

Group 1-Inquiry

Group one did an awesome job on their second day teaching an inquiry lesson!  Students were active in raising their hand to say one thing they remembered. Kristen did an awesome job reviewing with them and speaking loud. I liked how they used the word art that we learned about in our digital me projects of words that the students learned about last class. They also used Voki as a meteorologist to introduce the lesson today. The students were given a meteorologist report card to fill in their observations. Students first worked independently to read a journal entry about a season and write a hypothesis on their meteorologist report card on which season they read about. -using “if, then, because” The group did a good job not saying "guys". I wish the students had a chance to share their answers and explain how they got their answer at the end of the activity. 

Group 1- Direct Instruction

Before I say how good group 1's first day of teaching went, I want to congratulate them on being the first group to stand up there and teach before anyone else in the class! I enjoyed group their direct instruction lesson. I think they did a great job being the first group to teach. Everyone spoke loud and clear, and they did a great job checking for understanding with the students.  I like how the group used the thumbs up if you agree, thumbs down if you disagree. They did a great job, stopping and reviewing with the students every couple of slides. All the students followed along and knew the answers. The group transitioned into each topic well  I was surprised to see how much the students know and the types of questions they came up with like "what if the sun exploded?" I liked when they made the t ransition to teach about stars and had the students talk with a partner about what you know about stars. Went around to each group of tables and asked what they talk

Day 1- Icebreaker Activities

I am very happy with our first day of fieldwork! I was really worked up about it, but once we were all in the class and the activities began it went so good! I am in Group 4 and our Get to Know You Activity was a science board game that we created. There were 4 categories Pink Squares- All about me questions (about the students), Blue Triangles- Challenge questions, Orange Circles- Science questions, ?- ask the teacher questions. We had a digital spinner loaded on an IPad. The student spun the spinner and either landed on numbers 1,2,3, or 4. This was the number of spaces they were able to move. Depending on the number they got determined what shape they landed on. This students loved it and I was surprised on how much the students knew and how well they answer the science questions!

Project Wild!

  M y certificate!!    M y Book!! This conference was very interesting and informal and I love that we received a Project Wild book that includes lesson plans etc.. in it!   This picture shows the schedule/ activities of the day. I loved the first activity "Who Am I" I think its a fun icebreaking activity to use in a classroom. One volunteer goes up in front of the class and faces the whiteboard, they put an animal picture thats one a string around their neck, the picture of the animal is facing the class, the person that has the animal on them has to ask the rest of the class questions about the animal and try to guess what it is. the class can only answer yes or no. example: Is my fur black?, Do I crawl? My next favorite activity was "Oh Deer!" this was a very active activity. This has to be done outside or maybe in a gymnasium. You make 2 rows of students on opposite ends of each other. One side are deer, the other side are resources (home,