
Showing posts from November, 2017


For the class's science fair project, we had the opportunity to do it virtually! We used voicethread, a website that I recently learned how to use. Our Voicethread was one page with many slides of everyone in the class. On our one slide, we attached the link to our science fair project slide. On my project slide I was able to explain each step of my project, tell my hypothesis and conclusion. Voicethread is a really fun tool to use, I think it worked well as a virtual science fair project. It is cool how everyone has their own link to their own slides. This is a picture of me explaining my results of my science fair project. I think Voicethread could be used in the classroom for many other projects. It is not too hard to figure out how to manage. Once you start messing around with it, you learn how to add slides by clicking on the big + sign and if you hover over the pictures you can leave comments. It gives you the option to leave video, phone, recording, text messages on yo

edTPA Readiness

This was my first semester where my Method classes gave me the opportunity to complete tasks for edTPA. I did not know anything about edTPA before this semester. I know that edTPA is a task that has to be completed while student teaching. Not much was explained to me on how to complete these tasks and I don't feel I am completely ready for it at this moment, but I have learned what is expected once it's my time to complete it. For this Science Methods class I have completed Tasks 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, Task 2A, 2B, Task 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D. I hope to have more confidence in completing these tasks while I student teach in the future!


My fieldwork group put together a lesson plan about the earths atmosphere on Thinglink . Clink the link to see our lesson plan!! It was a topic that we chose to teach because we were unclean on this topic. This was our first time using this tool. It was very interesting. This tool gives you the option to put a picture as the background with tabs that you can place anywhere on the picture. You can either write in the tabs or include a link in the tab to  another website of information on the topic. So in our case we chose a picture of the earths atmosphere and for each level of the atmosphere we put the name and the definition of that atmosphere. When you hover over the tab, the text box shows up.

Science Fair Project

My science fair project was "What does sugary drinks do to your teeth". I was able to use eggs to test this experiment because just like our teeth, egg shells contain calcium and protects the inside of the egg just like the enamel protects our teeth. For my experiment I place an egg in a cup of soda, orange juice, gatorade, and water for 24 hours to see how the sugary drinks affect our teeth. My hypothesis was "If I drink soda which contains sugar in it, then this will affect the enamel on my teeth because the sugar in the drink causes tooth decay". The results were interesting, of course the egg that soaked in soda was the most stained. I think this experiment is interesting and important to know because many children and grown ups drink sugary drinks on a daily and don't realize the damage they are causing to the enamel of their teeth. I had fun doing this science fair project, I checked the eggs after they soaked for about 12 hours and they were already stai

My Fieldwork Experience

There was so much anticipation for teaching a whole 4th grade glass and then it went by so fast! There was a lot of preparation that my group and I did, and the 2 days that we taught flew by!!  I learned a lot about team work and the importance of planning a lesson. First, everyone has to be able to meet at the same time so we can all put our ideas together and each be working on some part of the lesson. I also leaned how important it is for everyone to know their role on the day of teaching. We assigned and reviewed what slides each of us in the group would be teaching, and what each teacher candidate would be doing during our lesson in front of the class. For example, one of us was supposed to be in charge of giving the students a star for following directions. One of us was in charge of handing out the worksheets that we provided for the students. This makes the lesson go more smoothly so we are not talking over each other and tripping over each other while teaching! I also le

Exploring the next frontier

Group 4-Direct Instruction I am in group 4 with Allie, Nessiah, and Rebecca!!!! We were super excited and nervous to teach. We were teaching the 4th graders about Technology, Space Technology. I really liked our classroom management line "Hands on top, everybody stop!" because it didn't involve the students yelling something back at us. We playing the student vs teacher game as well, with the rules If you are following the classroom rules and are focused you will earn stars (points).   If the classroom rules are being broken, the teachers will earn a point.   If the student wins they receive a prize! If the teachers win, the students do not receive the special prize.   We provided the students with a note sheet to fill out throughout the slides. There was a yellow star on the slides that had information underlined which was the word the students to write down on their note sheet. We opened by asking the students "What is the first thing that comes to

Group 3- Inquiry

The Group also used w ord art that was shaped as a rocket ship to review vocabulary words from the last lesson. I loved how the whole class had to stand and review the planets singing the planet song all together with the teachers. They group provided the students with an investigation book that they had to fill out observations to find out what planet they have. I like how the students had an opportunity to explore each group's planet. On the c onclusion page in their notebook the students had to s tate weather their hypothesis was correct or not and use evidence to support answer. I think the independent practice challenged the students because it gave them the opportunity to explain in writing if their hypothesis was correct and why or why not. I like how the group equally shared time to teach for this lesson.